I found this post by chance and I’m quite pleased! I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old, and they’ve recently traded sleeping schedules. The toddler finally sleeps and the baby is up constantly, so I’m wondering when it is that I’ll be able to finally get that consistent sleep as well. I can also relate to the random brain sparks and walking into a room and forgetting why I did. I hope you find whatever inspo and mental energy you require to take on that photo project, sounds interesting

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Thank you Kathleen. I'm always curious how people find me. These days the mental energy comes in fits and spirts. My two older children are 22 months apart and when they were young there were brief periods where they on the same sleep schedule and it was so wonderful. These baby days are long, and the years feel so short. Hope you are getting the rest you need.

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